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How To Use A Reward Chart

How To Use A Reward Chart
Written by Integrate Health Team
Sun Jul 14 2024

Reward charts can be a valuable tool used in the home to help increase positive behaviours we want to see while decreasing behaviours we would like to see less often. Here are some tips to help set up a reward chart system in your own home.

There are four main components to a reward chart system 

  • A list of behaviours or household rules you would like to see more often
  • The rewards your child will receive for demonstrating the positive behaviours. These could be points, stickers, tokens etc.
  • The reward chart. This can be a simple chart with spots to place each reward earned and a description or picture of the desired activity that will be received in exchange for the rewards.
  • A menu of desired objects or activities your child will receive in exchange for their rewards received (e.g. extra time playing their favourite game, a small treat, extra time with a favourite toy etc.).

To implement the reward chart system have the household rules or desired behaviours posted in a visible area. Some individuals may also benefit by having a visual description of the rule in addition to the written description.

 Have a discussion with your child about:

  • The time period that they can earn rewards (each day, each week etc.). Depending on how often you want to see the positive behaviours occur can help to decide whether the reward chart will reoccur on a daily basis or span across a week’s time.
  • The desired object or activity that they can receive for exchanging their rewards.
  • How many rewards they need to exchange to receive their desired object or activity.
  • Next set up your reward chart. Decide with your child what desired object or activity they will be working towards prior to the child earning rewards.

When a desired behaviour is demonstrated, immediately praise your child and place a reward on their chart.

 When your child has received enough rewards they can exchange them for the desired object or activity.

 Once they have exchanged the rewards for the desired activity or object all rewards are cleared and they can begin to earn rewards again.

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