905.683.7228    support@integrate-health.ca

Virtual Services

What are Virtual Services?

Virtual services (also referred to as, e-therapy, teletherapy, online counselling or online therapy) are the delivery of mental health services (consultation, treatment, education, phone-calls, emails) through the Internet. At Integrate Health Services, we will be providing virtual counselling and some assessment services through a trusted secure, healthcare platform that enables Integrate Health Services to comply with PHIPA requirements. Please speak to our Intake team if you have any questions.


What are the benefits of Virtual Services?

  • Children and teenagers often communicate virtually, so Therapists have adapted to provide services in a relevant way
  • Some clients have reported feeling more comfortable expressing themselves over a virtual platform
  • You can access services from any private location (e.g. at home, in your car, at work, or at school)
  • Parents/caregivers, whose children are accessing counselling, can utilize the session time effectively (instead of remaining in the clinic waiting room).


When considering virtual counselling or assessment services, our team will work with clients to assess their specific needs to ensure that virtual services are appropriate.



We are excited to announce that we are now offering our counselling and assessment services virtually! Research demonstrates that virtual services (telemental health) can be just as effective as face-to-face services for many individuals. Our team of Therapists has developed the skills to continue to deliver the same high-quality services virtually. When working with children and teenagers, our team has adapted to provide services creatively so we can effectively engage with clients. Our transition to virtual services has been very positive and clients have quickly adapted to this new format of service. We understand that some clients may feel resistant to virtual services, but we encourage you to avoid putting yours or your child’s treatment plan on hold and to talk to a member of our team to learn more.

Click here to schedule a virtual session today click here.