Summer is here and school is out! Over the course of the summer vacation, kids can lose 1-2 months of learning that was acquired over the previous school year. It is important to keep your son or daughter’s brain active over the summer break. Here are a few ways to do this:
- Make regular trips to the library and keep lots of books in your home.
- Establish a consistent reading time each night! This will help to maintain a routine and keep your child’s brain active.
- Start a “Family Brain Time”. During this time period (e.g. 1 hour/per day), everyone in the house is working on something educational (e.g. reading, writing, enriching math activities).
- Incorporate learning into your family vacation! Have your son/daughter keep a journal to keep track of your holiday away or of specific activities that you do over the summer. You can also create specific activities and/or projects for your child to do on their vacation (e.g. taking photographs of and writing a paragraph about one historic landmark on your vacation).
- Enroll your son/daughter in a summer tutoring program. Tutoring isn’t only for remediation, but can be beneficial for enrichment purposes and/or to maintain learning over the summer.