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Tips For Successful Outings

Tips For Successful Outings
Written by Integrate Health Team
Sun Jul 14 2024

Transitioning from the home to grocery stores and shopping malls can be challenging for many children. With the holiday season approaching this can be an even more difficult task, but with some simple tips and strategies it can be a manageable and even enjoyable experience for the entire family!

  • Try to avoid scenarios that you know will make your child feel uncomfortable or trigger problem behaviour (e.g. if your child does not like crowds avoid stores at peak hours).
  • Explain what the outing will involve and what your expectations are for the outing so there are no surprises along the way.
  • Prioritize errands and keep your to-do list short.
  • Show your child where you are going with pictures prior to leaving in order to help ease potential anxiety. This will also help your child learn to anticipate where they are going for future outings.
  • Have your child be responsible for a task while shopping such as having their own grocery list to complete.
  • Bring along preferred activities (small handheld games, puzzles, drawing etc.).
  • Provide praise when your child demonstrates positive behaviours (waiting quietly in line, sticking closely by your side).
  • Follow the outing with positive reinforcement or access to a preferred item or activity. Explain to your child prior to the outing that they will receive a preferred item/activity for demonstrating good behaviour.

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