905.683.7228    support@integrate-health.ca

Managing Me - Emotion Regulation




Managing Me is a program designed to help children better understand, manage and express their emotions. This program offers a safe environment for participants to learn about, understand and express their feelings in an appropriate manner.

*While we recommend participation in both levels, this is not a requirement. Those wanting to participate in only level 2 must have demonstrated level 1 skills including the ability to manage in a 4:1 ratio.

Level 1

  • Understanding and interpreting verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Learning to recognize how emotions feel physically (warning signs)
  • Understanding the difference between emotions and actions
  • Identifying triggers and appropriate ways to deal with challenging situations
  • Learning to effectively expressing feelings to others
  • Developing skills for exercising self-regulation (calming strategies, challenging negative thoughts)
  • An introduction to problem solving and conflict resolution strategies


Level 2

  • Reviewing stop, think and go skills (emotional regulation skills)
  • Beginning to explore and understand complex emotions
  • Understanding empathy and developing appropriate social skills
  • Developing problem-solving and conflict resolution skills
  • Understanding different communication styles and developing effective communication skills
  • Challenging negative ways of thinking and developing positive thinking skills
  • Exploring the consequences of behaviours
  • Practicing self-care and managing stress



Each program level is 7 weeks in length (90 min sessions).

The program topics will be presented through various learning mediums (visual and written descriptions, handouts, videos, PowerPoint presentations). Opportunities to practice the skills will occur through peer discussion, group and individual activities and games, modeling, and role-play. Each session will include a parent discussion component during which a group facilitator will meet with families to discuss topics covered during the session, provide take-home strategies, and additional resources. The final session of the program will conclude with a review of all topics discussed and a certificate of completion.

*In addition to the weekly parent discussion, there are 2 parent support sessions (week 3 and week 7). These 1-hour informal sessions are intended to provide an opportunity for parents to learn about the ‘why’s’ of behaviour, discuss parenting strategies and barriers to success.


Our group facilitators are members of our highly qualified Support Services team who have extensive experience working with children and youth. Their educational backgrounds include Psychotherapy, Behavioural Therapy, Teaching and Occupational Therapy.

*This program is covered as Psychological Services, check with your extended health care benefit provider.

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